Thursday, August 31, 2023

Boston: home away from home

Sabbatical: Part 3 of 3 

We finished up the last part of the sabbatical in Boston.  It was a good change of pace to get us acclimated towards returning home.  We’ve now been away for more years than we lived there!  Our annual trip has been a way to maintain, and in many ways, deepen those relationships with our family and friends.  

Boston was filled with daily life similar to our SF rhythm: visiting Museum of Science (three times), getting sushi with the cousins, picking blueberries, going to playgrounds (although with added splash pads), and the big girls even went to craft camp for 2 days!  We stopped by Central Square Church and, of course, we always get a lobster sandwich at Alive and Kickin’ Lobsters in honor of Louie.

As I reflect on my sabbatical, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take some extended time off. We wanted it to be filled with purpose, fun, and connection. This summer kicked off several big transitions: moving homes after 12 years and changing jobs/roles for both of us! What I have come to appreciate is that the gift of extra time from sabbatical was spent going deeper into the things we are already doing rather than doing something entirely new. It was nice to slow down the pace. I’m excited for all these midlife transitions…haha. Ready for the 2nd half of life.

The time away has certainly solidified my/our desire to do a “family gap year”. If anyone is interested in ideating on that topic, let us know. :)

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